Our Sisterhood
Phi Beta Chi was established to support women socially, spiritually and academically during their collegiate years and throughout their lives. We are a national social sorority founded on Chapter, Community and Church. These "3 Cs" represent our dedication to sisterhood, service and spiritual growth and are a common thread. Our members continually strive to balance these aspects of their lives and develop a well-rounded lifestyle.

Yours for a Lifetime
Phi Beta Chi is a sorority where friendships formed in college last a lifetime. By sharing experiences from social events to devotions to study nights, sisters form lifelong bonds.
Chapter, community and church projects encourage sisterhood, service and leadership during the collegiate years and after graduation. Participating in alumnae activities on a local, regional or national level provides opportunities to meet and serve with past, present and future sisters around the country.
Celebrating the Lutheran Heritage
Being women of faith is important to us. Phi Beta Chi offers spiritual growth activities, encourages faith development, and provides an environment where members can feel comfortable. While members are not required to be Christians or members of any specific denomination, we take pride in our Lutheran heritage, which provides the foundation for our sorority's creed. Phi Beta Chi was founded on the Christian doctrine that we are people of God in Christ Jesus, saved by grace through faith.
Excellent Endeavors
We encourage a continuing effort for personal growth and excellence in all our endeavors. The sisterhood's emphasis on scholarship applies not only to our current studies, but to a lifelong goal of learning and self improvement. As collegiate students, Phi Beta Chi members can expect to participate in activities to enhance learning and study opportunities while they obtain their degrees.
Giving Back
Phi Beta Chi is committed to giving back to our communities around us and chose AbleLight (formally Bethesda) and the YMCA as our national philanthropies.

Founding date: March 26, 1978
Nickname: Beta Chi
Mascot: White Lamb
Symbol: Ellipse
Song: "Now A Rose"
Colors: Azure Blue and White
Flower: White Rose of Sharon
Motto: "Amor via Vitae in Christo" (Love through Life in Christ)
Philanthropy: AbleLight (formally Bethesda) and YMCA
"We the sisters of Phi Beta Chi, shall strive to be faithful and energetic Christian leaders and shall celebrate the Lutheran Heritage. We stand for good scholarship, for the guarding of good health, for the maintenance of fine standards, for service to Church and Humanity, and for the attainment of excellence in all of our endeavors. In all of our activites, we shall strive to be living symbols of the Rose of Sharon and shall use Love through Life in Christ as the ideal which shall guide our lives. For I am the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Field."